American Concrete Institute Guidelines
For Durable Exterior Concrete
The Following Mix Design is Suggested
4500 PSI – 6 ½ Bag Equivalent / Contains 611 pounds of Cementitious Material including 10% Mineral Admixture of Fly Ash. 550 lbs Cement + 61 lbs Fly Ash = 611 Total lbs
Low Chert Quarry Stone & Torpedo Sand
3 ounces of Water Reducer per Hundred Weight of Cementitious
Air-Entraining Agent to Equal 6% +/- 1%
1 ½ lbs of Fibrillated Fibermesh per yard
Water Base Curing Compound at 250 Sq. Ft. per Gallon for Application by Installer
Instructions for Homeowner Aftercare and Maintenance
Call Jackson Concrete for current pricing. 262-335-2321
Wisconsin Ready Mixed Concrete Association pamphlets following American Concrete
Institute Guidelines for the Installation of Durable Exterior Concrete are available upon
request, or can be viewed at our website under the following pages; Exterior Flatwork, Cure & Seal, and Homeowner Maintenance.